The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
2023-11-13 Ambivalence 38:19
Janine Schipper
In this dharma talk on ambivalence, we explore the multifaceted nature of mixed or contradictory feelings and the discomfort it often brings. Delving into the concept from both every day and Buddhist perspectives, we discuss how the desire for resolution can lead to suffering, examining examples from relationships, jobs, goals, and moral conflicts. The talk emphasizes the discomfort of ambivalence and the potential for inner turmoil, while offering Buddhist perspectives on skillful means and mindfulness of ambivalence. The talk concludes with a guided meditation that encourages embracing ambivalence with mindfulness, compassion, and acceptance, promoting a non-attachment to outcomes and a deeper understanding of the interconnected nature of emotions.
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community FIMC Monday Night Talks

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