The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community
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2025-01-21 Right Effort: Tuning the Lute of the Mind 33:26
Robin Craig
With "right effort" it is useful to understand what we are efforting towards and how much effort is appropriate - - for you, at any particular moment.
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community

2025-01-14 Wise Speech 34:45
Brian Lesage
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community

2025-01-07 Wise View and the Fluidity of Perception 37:56
Brian Lesage
The Image that is referred to in this talk is included below.
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community
Attached Files:

2024-12-31 The Fourth Noble Truth: The Journey of the Eightfold Path 32:06
Brian Lesage
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community
Attached Files:

2024-12-24 Finding the Third Noble Truth 30:09
Robin Craig
What if we really believe in the possibility of the third noble truth? Here are some of the words that might resonate and guide you in experiencing a taste of this freedom: Quietude; Like The Fire Unbound; Peace; An Unentangled Mind; The Richness of Not Wanting; The End of Craving; Stillness; Release; Safe harbor; True Refuge
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community

2024-12-17 The Second Noble Truth 32:43
Brian Lesage
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community

2024-12-10 The 1st Noble Truth 37:58
Brian Lesage
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community

2024-12-02 Following the Aliveness 33:21
Janine Schipper
In this talk, Janine shares reflections on “Following the Aliveness”—which she sees as both a practice and a way of life—and it’s also the name of her new podcast. She explores the meaning of following the aliveness, embracing it as a spiritual practice, and its connection to Buddhist teachings on non-attachment and letting go as paths to greater freedom. Janine also shares insights on nurturing aliveness through daily practices and creative expression. The talk concludes with a brief guided meditation, inviting participants to connect with their own sense of aliveness as a guiding force in both everyday life and spiritual exploration.
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community

2024-11-18 The Dharma of Anxiety: Six Practices for Transforming Anxiety 31:02
Janine Schipper
In this Dharma talk, Janine introduces six transformative practices for working with anxiety. Throughout the session, she weaves in brief guided meditations to give participants a direct experience of these tools. The practices include: cultivating mindfulness of anxiety, questioning the thoughts that fuel it, exploring its presence in the body, placing it within a broader perspective, clarifying your role or purpose, and nurturing the seeds of inner peace and well-being.
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community

2024-11-11 Be Here Now 27:01
Allen Atkins
This talk stars with a bit of introduction to the book written by Ram Dass in 1971. Then it shifts to a deeper discussion of what Now means and what Here means. When we focus on the Now and the Here, there is always a sense of “I Am” that accompanies it. The direct knowledge of Being.
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community

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